
The Catherine Wilson Foundation was founded to improve the quality of life of Sarnia Lambton area residents through the distribution of income from the permanent endowment fund of Catherine Wilson to a broad range of eligible organizations and activities that provide support where there is genuine need and build on the strengths of the community.

Previous Grant Recipients:

2024:  Great Lakes Secondary School, Community Concerns for the Medically Fragile, Sarnia Lambton Rebound, Inn of the Good Shepherd, Scouts Canada, Gallery in the Grove, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Suicide Prevention Committee of Family Counselling Centre, International Symphony, London Road School, Organization for Literacy

2023:  Great Lakes Secondary School, St. Andrew’s Church, Community Concerns for the Medically Fragile, Sarnia-Lambton Rebound, Inn of the Good Shepherd, Scouts Canada, Gallery in the Grove, Boys and Girls Club, SMAA

2022:  Great Lakes Secondary School, Catherine Wilson Library, Pathways Health Centre, St. Andrews Church, Community Concerns for the Medically Fragile, Sarnia Lambton Rebound, Scouts Canada.

2021:   Great Lakes Secondary School, Catherine Wilson Library, Community Concerns for the Medically Fragile, Inn of the Good Shepherd,  Sarnia Lambton Rebound, Pathways Health Centre, St. Andrews Church, Standing Oaks, SMAA 

       The Catherine Wilson Foundation purposes as outlined in its Letters Patent are as follows:

To receive and maintain a fund or funds and to apply all or part of the principal and income therefrom, from time to time, to charitable organizations that are also registered  charities underthe Income Tax Act (Canada).

1. The Catherine Wilson Foundation will accept applications from registered charities and qualified donees that provide services to residents of Sarnia Lambton without discrimination because of race, colour, creed, sex, age, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.

2. Eligible projects shall contribute to the development of a healthy community by furthering the charitable purposes contained in the Catherine Wilson Foundation’s Letters Patent including, but not limited to, charitable activities in any of the following fields of interest:

  • Child, Youth and Family
  • Education
  • Health
  • Social and Community Services

3. Eligible projects may engage in any of the following activities:

  • Direct service and program support
  • Capital Projects
  • Scholarships
  • Program planning and delivery

4. The Catherine Wilson Foundation will not normally fund projects involving:

  • Deficit reduction
  • Retroactive funding
  • Academic and scientific research

5. The Catherine Wilson Foundation will award grants to successful projects at least once each year. The deadline for applications will be advertised in the local newspaper.

6. Each proposal will be carefully reviewed by the Catherine Wilson Board of Directors

7. Applicants will be advised by email of the Foundation’s decision on their application

To ensure that the Catherine Wilson Foundation is meeting all its legal requirements, grant recipients must adhere to all conditions set by the Foundation.


1. Successful grant applicants will be informed of the Board’s granting decisions by email and in writing. Each letter will also specify any conditions that must be met before the grant can be awarded and any reporting requirements subsequent to the receipt of the grant.

2. A Board member will be assigned as liaison to each successful grant applicant. The role of the liaison will be to answer any questions the recipient might have concerning the grant conditions.

3. Each grant recipient must fulfill all conditions specified in the letter announcing the award within the fiscal year for which the grant is allocated or the grant will be rescinded.

4. The CWF Board may, at its discretion, extend this time limit upon request of the grant applicant.

5. Any proposed change to the use of the grant must receive prior approval of the CWF Board of Directors.

The Catherine Wilson Foundation must disburse (grant) 3.5% of the average value of its property (investments) each year OR at least 50% of its income to qualified donees.

To that end, in March of each year, the Board of Directors of the Foundation will set the total amount to be granted using the information on the Annual Return for the previous year.

A call for proposals will be issued in January til April of each year. The submitted proposals will be reviewed and decisions made by July. All applicants will be notified of the decision by the end of July of each year.